Here we are, 10 away from Hannah's first Birthday and she takes her first steps last night! She took about 3 steps all by herself. She did this about 3 or 4 times and she was done! After about the second time she did it I had Esther start recording!
This is how it all went down! We went out of town for Esther's college graduation. It was a 5 hour car ride and I really wasn't sure how Hannah would do. We tried to plan everything around her nap times, but it just never works out. she did surprisingly well on the way over there. Did I forget to mention that Oreo was there too? Well she was, and it was like basically traveling with 2 babies. Oreo cried for the first 2 hours in the car and then she decided to take a nap on my lap just as Hannah wakes up from her nap trying to figure out where she is and why the car is still moving, and we basically alternated the whole way over! Hannah cried only once, and that's because it was time to change her diaper while Brian walked Oreo. I even let her drive part of the way!

Once we arrived Hannah was so well rested that she had TONS of energy as explored her Auntie E's apartment. The whole trip great! We had fun with my parents , Esther and her friends who all fell in love with Hannah. Once of Esther's friends asked, "Does she ever cry or get mad?" I guess she really is a good baby! How did I get so lucky?
Anyway on the way back to San Antonio, we pretty much did the same thing and since we had a little extra time we went shopping in San Marcos... gotta love those outlets! Again, she was so well rested, and pretty happy about being home with all her toys, that she played most of the night away. Brian was holding her little hands as we have been doing to help her walk, when I stretched out my arms, she LET GO of daddy and took 3 steps all by herself! We all went crazy! Esther was there and I asked her to take video of it hoping that our camera still had enough batteries after taking pictures and video of the graduation ceremony. Thankfully it did! She did it a couple more times and she went back to crawling as if nothing ever happened!
After that, it was pretty much over and she was ready to go to bed! Go figure!
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