I guess I can finally say that we have settled in to our home. It's not fully decorated or anything yet, but I doubt it ever will be. We have a Christmas tree up and our stockings, but I just don't have a knack for that stuff. I will have to enlist the help of a new friend, http://www.monicabenavidez.com/ Monica is somebody I met while I was helping Rosa out with her wedding. It was beautiful, by the way! Monica played a big role in it going smoothly, but she is also one of the coolest girls I have met in while. She is also the reason that I am blogging today.
A lot has happened since my last post, but I am sure I can't remember it all now. I think one of the biggest newsworthy events would have to be that Hannah is completely weaned. No more Nursing for Hannah! I am a little relieved, but at the same time, I miss it so much. It happened right around the 15 month mark. She was only nursing before bedtime, so I had to tell Brian to start putting her to bed. That started going really well. Now on the rare occasion that she wakes up in the middle of the night, Brian is the only one that can put her back to sleep. She wants absolutely nothing to do with me! I feel like crap, but at least I can go back to sleep Brian is up with her at night. My, my, how the tables have turned. She is such a daddy's girl already, and this is just making them even closer.
This picture pretty much sums it up. The 2 reasons that I exist.

We have been in our house for 5 months already, but it seems like a blur! Within those 5 months, we have had a housewarming party, a bridal shower, and Thanksgiving there. What a way to break it in! I was never one to host parties, it was always Brian's idea. Now, I want to party all the time! OK, not all the time, but I want to have something going for New Year's. For some reason I have to twists Brian's arm to get on board with me, but we will see.
I hope that I can write some more, but I rarely have time, and I miss it.